Address: 17647 40th Avenue, Conklin, MI 49403
Telephone: 616-899-2611 or 616-899-2931
Cherry Season late June-July, Mon.-Sat. 8-8 Sun 12-5.
U-Pick and Fresh Pre-picked sweet and sour cherries. Light sours pitted free.
Peach & Apple Season Aug. – Oct. Fri. & Sat 10-5, Sun 12-5. U-Pick & pre-picked apples, pumpkins, fresh flowers & sunflowers plus a variety of locally grown fruits, vegetables and cider.
Fall attractions include Corn Maze, a beautiful SUNFLOWER MAZE which turns into a HAUNTED SUNFLOWER Maze, a Creepy Corn Maze and Spooky Hay Rides in October on Fri. & Sat. evenings 9pm -11pm.
BOTH Seasons offer seasonal donuts, turnovers, slushies, jams, jellies, dried fruit & other freshly made goodies and locally produced items. Kids area and a ride to the fruit trees on our own “Cherri-ots”.
Year around we offer fresh baked goods, custom made to order cakes, cupcakes, cheese cakes, cookies and more. Pick us for a healthy, fun, family outing & enjoy “natures candy”.